
Puerto Rico 2013

I had a good feeling about Puerto Rico from the get go.

Flying to San Juan Puerto Rico
Flying towards San Juan, Puerto Rico

Front of the Posada San Francisco Hostel

View from the hostel balcony towards San Juan ( East)

Some cool graffiti art in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico

View from the Pasada San Francisco Hostel 4th floor community balcony

Castillo San Felipe del Moro in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico
Castillo San Felipe del Moro in Old San Juan Puerto Rico

Walking down the street alongside the notorious "La Perla" neighborhood

The ocean view above La Perla

Relaxing at Condado Beach in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico

A swim and a coconut

First sunset in Puerto Rico

Sunrise in Old San Juan Puerto Rico
View at 6:00am from the Posada San Francisco Hostel 4th floor balcony

Walking to the Culebra Island ferry with my new friends in Fajardo, Puerto Rico

Looking back at Fajardo on the way to Culebra Island, Puerto Rico

   The top of the ferry is the way to go.

Culebra Puerto Rico Ferry
View from the ferry coming to Culebra Island
Flamenco Beach on Culebra Island Puerto Rico
Flamenco Beach
View above Zoni Beach on Culebra Island Puerto Rico
Drving dow the road to Zoni Beach

 Zoni Beach was a little off the beaten path, but was even quieter and in my opinion more beautiful then Flamenco Beach.
Zoni Beach on Culebra Island in Puerto Rico
View down Zoni Beach

Zoni Beach on Culebra Island in Puerto Rico
View from Zoni Beach towards Culebrita and St. Thomas

Zoni Beach on Culebra Island in Puerto Rico
looking back at Zoni Bech on Culebra Island, Puerto Rico
Zoni Beach on Culebra Island in Puerto Rico
Walking down Zoni Beach

Flamenco Beach on Culebra Island in Puerto Rico
Sunset at Flamenco Beach

Flamenco Beach sunset on Culebra Island in Puerto Rico
Sunset at Flamenco Beach

Moonlight Bay Hostel in Fajardo, Puerto Rico

Unknown river in El Yunque National Rainforest

After about 45 minutes of difficult hiking through the water we came to some nice cliffs with deeper water.  There were a group of several locals spending the day swimming and going off the rope swings.

Swimming in El Yunque National Rainforest, Puerto Rico

Rope swing in El Yunque National Rainforest, Puerto Rico

Enjoying the energy from a water fall in El Yunque National Rainforest, Puerto Rico

Natural water-slide in El Yunque National Rainforest, Puerto Rico

From left to right Adrien, Joe, Luis, Kevin (me), Markus and Jose

Rented a car for $9.00 a day which included unlimited miles.  Best deal ever. I made a goal to avoid tolls and highways as much as possible.  My plan was to head south through the middle of the island towards Ponce and then from there head west to Cabo Rojo and finally up the northwest coast to Rincon.

View of interior terrain in Puerto Rico

Quaint little road leading to the sea in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico

Rainbow at Cabo Rojo National Wildlife Refuge

An Iguana enjoying the sunset at Cabo Rojo National Wildlife Refuge, Puerto Rico

Cabo Rojo Lighthouse in Puerto Rico
North view from the Cabo Rojo Lighthouse in Puerto Rico

Sunset  at Cabo Rojo lighthouse in Puerto Rico

Purple sunset at Cabo Rojo Lighthouse in Puerto Rico

Sunset at Cabo Rojo Lighthouse 

Crash Boat Beach, Aquadilla, Puerto Rico

View from the road above Crash Boat Beach in Aquadilla, Puerto Rico

Bosque Estatal Guajataca in Puerto Rico
Taking a rest outside Bosque Estatal Guajataca in Puerto Rico

Random trail leading into the swamp

Dorado Beach

Sunset at Dorado Beach in Puerto Rico

Driving back to San Juan, Puerto Rico

Flying out of San Juan, Puerto Rico towards home

Not bad Puerto Rico

Burning Man 2013

Some Random Burning Man 2013 Pictures

Biking up the Espanade towards center camp
Sunrise bike ride through the playa
A dance party on the playa is heating up as the sun goes down
Cool art installation on the Playa
Dancing in the fiery afterglow of an art burn